Saturday, June 1, 2019

Essay --

What is a fable? A fable is a short story in which characters within the confine ar played by animals. All fables carry a moral of some kind. Animal Farm, a novel by George Orwell, is a fable in the sense that it incorporates characteristics of a fable, such as giving animals, human qualities and the inclusion of several morals is accounted for as well. Although Animal Farms morals are not merely stated, it bears a significant deal regarding the concept of the story. The main morals are all tied together by some stool of power. Power is the driving index behind the animal guild, once abused, an indication of collapse will be evident.Through the pigs abuse of language to strengthen their confidence on the farm, Orwell conveys the power of manipulation in language. For example, Squealer takes the sheep away to teach them a new chant, Four legs good two legs better. The continuous invocation planted in the animals mind signified the start of a change. In many ways, they are gov erned by the pigs more than before, their ideas suggested and their minds are molded. The torturing of the meaning of language ultimately brainwashed them into forming ideas that compliment what the pigs want them to think. Another incident of the pigs manipulation occurs after the rumor about the pigs fetching the apples and milk for themselves. Squealer claimed that the pigs were doing so for the sake of the animals, he also stated that milk and apples contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig and Jones would summate back if they failed in their duty (42). This form of propaganda/ threat works in the favor of the pigs because the majority would rather comply and accept the current conditions than have Jones back. The pig... gains. They were never honest with their words or actions until they settle into the temptation of power completely. And once they do, corruption will be seen a lot more often. Power is the force that upholds the structure of Animal Farm and when leaders indulge themselves in excessive power, the structure will be ruined, allowing these leaders with absolute force. Animal Farm is an metaphor of the Russian Revolution and a cautionary tale warning readers of the pitfalls of revolution. Although, it doesnt only concern the Russians, it applies to any form of totalitarian government because of the universal structure of power. It all works the same way, power is obtained, greed for power encourages manipulation and intimidation and a totalitarian is formed. In that sense, any hopes of creating a utopian society based on the equality of all animals is eradicated.

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